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About Us

My Name Is Shane Eddy. Eddy Wildlife Studios LLC. was founded on January 1, 2015. After working for 21 years for my uncle, Anthony Eddy at "Anthony Eddy Wildlife Studios" working part time since 1987 and going full time in June of 1994. With over 30 years in the business, Anthony decided to retire in November of 2014. Trusting me to carry on, he offered to sell me the business and here we are.


After operating freeze dryers since 1987. With 14 "North Star" 36 x 66 inch units and one Huge 48 x 108 inch unit we feel we are the oldest and largest Taxidermy Freeze Dry service in the United States. With our huge available capacity we can handle large volumes of specimens. Specializing in freeze dried turkey heads, reptiles,small mammals, and some species of fish.


In addition to freeze drying wild specimens, we also offer Pet Preservation, which we have been providing for the last 25 years. Check out our other page "".


In addition to these services we also manufacture a full line of  reasonably priced turkey mounting supplies. Including bodies, necks, artificial turkey heads, and habitat bases. We keep a VERY EXTENSIVE inventory of Freeze Dried Heads for sale year round.  Complete painting services are available as well.  Our products are available directly though our studio as well as most all of the major taxidermy supply companies across the United States. Find our products at Mackenzie/ Van Dykes, Matuska Taxidermy, Joe Coombs Classics, Head Quarters Taxidermy Supply, Wasco, Second to Nature, Ozark Woods, Dan Rinehart, and several others. If I forgot anyone of our suppliers and you are reading this I apologize.


At Eddy Wildlife Studios we pride ourselves on delivering high quality freeze dry preservation. If you are a taxidermist looking for an experienced, honest, quality freeze dry service, let us show you what we can do for your studio. Or if you are an individual with something you would like preserved we offer retail services as well. With over 30 years experience if you want it freeze dried we have probable done it."

© 2017 Eddy's Wildlife Studio

315 North Main St, Slater, MO 65349 | 1-660-529-3470 |
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